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tu experiencia inolvidable!




Berlin became the center of German political, cultural and economic life by the beginning of the 20th century, and the presence of the Jewish community there, that can be traced to the 1300s, had prospered there enough to stand also as the core of Jewish life in the entire country. Since then, as is so well known, it has undergone unparalleled, dramatic and even traumatic changes. This tour will explore the development of this very diverse community thru the centuries, in various periods of German history, including key sites and personalities, arriving eventually to its systematic and brutal persecution and genocide, applied by the Nazis, as well as how the new Germany ( s ) dealt with such terrible legacy up to date.


The Jewish community in Berlin is the biggest in Germany today and we will make sure that you connect with it during our tour!


DURATION : 3 hours



All media produced by Luca Geza © 2020

( Movies , pictures, music ,text )

info & reservations :


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most care and we don't share this information with anyone

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We comply with the new EU legislation.    ( GDPR )



Luca Szekely

Sonnennallee 157

Berlin 12059

USt-IdNr  16/553/01915

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